Students are to be kept out of school for the following reasons:
- Temperature of 100.0 degrees or above - Students should be fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medications, before being sent back to school.
- Pink eye - Keep home until student has had 24 hours of appropriate treatment.
- Impetigo - Keep home until student has had appropriate treatment.
- Head lice - Student must be free of live head lice to be in school.
- Vomiting or diarrhea - Keep student home, with or without a fever, for 24 hours after LAST episode.
- Strep throat - Keep home until student has had at least 24 hours of appropriate treatment and is fever free.
- COVID-19 - Student must quarantine for 5 days and then may return to school wearing a mask at all times for 5 days.
These reasons listed are not the only reasons that children need to be kept home. It is intended to be a guide. ALWAYS check with your family doctor if you are uncomfortable about your child’s health.