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eLearning Expectations

Posted Date: 1/19/24 (1:23 PM)

Canvas Assignments
Students should access assignments from their Canvas course as directed by their teacher. The icon looks like the one to the right. Students may also utilize other learning applications throughout the day that they use on a daily, or frequent basis.

Google Meet Schedule
LIVE Google Meets with your child's teacher will occur twice daily: one for reading and one for math. (See schedule below or linked HERE.) Students who utilize special education services have opportunities for extra assistance with their teacher via Google Meet. GOOGLE MEET JOIN CODES will be shared by their teacher via ParentSquare. The code for these Meets is included on schedule linked above/posted below.

Google Meet Expectations

  • Students should find a quiet environment free from background noise and other distraction.
  • Students should mute their microphone until directed by a teacher to share. 
  • Students should be dressed appropriately (pajamas are great). 
  • Students should stay stationary and not walk around with their iPad unless directed by the teacher. It makes everyone dizzy! :) 
For attendance, students must attend their Google Meet or complete 50% of all work. Keep in mind that work completion is still expected to show their understanding of learning concepts, and assignments can be included in the grade book. All assignments should be submitted no later than 3:00pm the following day.

As always, do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher via email or ParentSquare if you have questions.  Older students may utilize Canvas messaging with their teacher. You may also reach me via ParentSquare and email:  


Stetson Harper
JES Principal